25 Jul

What are these walls that we have to knock down?
All the external walls that we build ,separate and divide us, and they are only the projection of our internal walls.

They are the walls of defence,the walls of fear,dislike,prejudice,violence and even hate.
The work I made for “Cuore d’Italia” festival,”the wall I would like” is called and consists of two works suspended between the trees in the park.
They are walls that join spaces walls unable to exclude due to their very nature made of threads of voids and light

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✅ Susanna Cati
“The wall I woul like”
Weaving textile works – suspended
Materials: cotton threads – henp- buttoned/wood.
Anno 2020

✅ Vorrei un muro dove poter immaginare…un muro su cui poter tracciare storie di foglie, fiori e cose mie .

Un muro di fragili fili,
fatto di infiniti intrecci

Vorrei un muro leggero ,e tutto aperto per attraversarlo di giorno e di sera
che mi racconti storie felici.

Nessun muro però
nel cuore e nella mente

✅ visitable at ‘Festival Cuore d’Italia’ #Bologna until Sunday 26 July.

✅ SITO/APP per info e prevendita: http://www.cuorediitalia.it